Prayed my way to Apex

Hello to anyone who still reads emails! Here is yet another email from Sister Kinne! 
The start of another transfer here in the NCRM! APEX IS AWESOME! I feel a little bit like i am back in Utah serving here in Apex, there Is a huge member population over a small area of land! We are covering 2 wards the beaver creek and Apex wards! 
Many many many exciting things happened this week! 

I finished off my last few days in Fayetteville:( said good byes to all the people I have come to know and love so much! :,( but I will see them all again one day!! 

As I updated yall last week my new companion is sister Smith and we are so excited to be serving together. I have not met a more dedicated and obedient missionary then sister Smith she is amazing and so talented! We have been singing all week! She is from highland Utah! And we both had sister nicolosi as our trainer, so that has been so fun! 

This area is half bike as well but it is one of the smallest wards in the whole mission and safest, so yes mom I will now take the pepper spray off my bag hahah. It has been a pretty big culture shock from one area to the next! I miss Fayetteville tons but it is exciting to be serving up here!! 
On Wednesday I hit my 9 month mark of being a missionary! Wahoo!! Crazy how time flies!
THE TEMPLE IS RIGHT ACROSS FROM OUR CHURCH BUILDING!!! I was so so so excited to come to this area because the temple is here! It has been under renovation since January 2018 and is OPENING AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER. we received a call from president Holland this week and he asked us to be the sisters who are going to be leading out the missionary efforts towards the open house! AHHHH WE FEEL SO BLESSED. BOTH SISTER SMITH AND I HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR THIS SINCE THE BEGINNING OF OUR MISSIONS! HEAVENLY FATHER TRULY ANSWERS PRAYERS! We are working on uniting ourselves to be sanctified in preparation for this amazing event! There are amazing things happening in Apex! 

We are teaching a few people! Many of which are boyfriends of members! FLIRT TO CONVERT PEOPLE HAHAHA IT REALLY HAPPENS! We are hoping to get the ball really rolling with a few of them in the next few weeks! The person i am most excited about teaching is someone named Agnes. She is a 37 year old who has had years of small interactions with missionaries, but never really let anyone teach her until sister smith and her last comp came and offered service to her. She is in a world religions class and wanted to do her project on our church! We were able to help her with that she really liked the things we talked about! She came to church with her 2 year old daughter lyric and taught her the restoration on a church tour of the building using the photos! IT WAS AMAZING!!! WHAT STARTED AS A SCHOOL PROJECT LEFT HER WITH A COMMITMENT TO READ THE BOOK OF MORMON AND PRAY ABOUT THE TRUTHFULNESS OF IT ALL! We are so excited for her! 

Sister smith and i have lots of fun together and love the work! I will be in apex for the next while so i am excited to continue to meet and love all the people here.

We went to downtown apex this week talking to people singing and asking what makes them happy! I love this finding tool sister smith and i have been thinking of more creative ways to find so stay posted for those ;) we gave a copy of the Book of Mormon from doing that so that was awesome! 

For service this week we were working with habitat again a staple for NCRM missionaries! they assigned us a cool project for decorating and helping them expand so we are excited to help out with that! We are also volunteering at a thrift store for cancer patience and folding plastic bags to help make mats for homeless people! 

Early sunday morning i woke up way early feeling super sick and was up most the night throwing up which was NO FUN... but i wasn't feeling sick at all, or had any flu symptoms so i came to the conclusion that i had been food poisoned... BUMMER RIGHT... well, i was asked to speak in church so there was no way that i was about to miss my first sunday in the ward so, i still went and spoke anyways, and survived hahah.

The topic was increasing light in our homes by shared spiritual experiences. I found lots of good insights from this last general conference president Eyring and Nelsons talks. 
Having that peace and comfort that comes with the gospel and church attendance can be difficult especially in a home where things are busy and chaotic and can be hard but i love the advice the brethren give us on going back to the simple doctrine of this gospel. 
As we act in faith regardless if things are perfect or not we help ourselves and those around us experience a greater desire to do what is right, and if not in the moment then the spirit will remind you of that faith in the future.
Putting an emphasis on personal and family prayer! Some of my favorite memories with my family are when we would gather together at the end of the night for family prayer! It was either a wrestling match or we would be laughing so hard we could hardly get our prayers out. As we unite both our father in Heaven and our family here on earth to pray together a spiritual power enters into our home,
Repentance can be taught by teaching one another to apologize and forgive quickly just as the Savior would! The simple things we do can teach us to act more like the savior and invite that light into our home.
Missionary work and the temple are HUGE when increasing light in our homes. Not everyone will serve a mission but we all have the ability to gain a desire to share the gospel with our brothers and sisters! I can say from before my mission i always felt spiritually fueled when i had the chance to share the gospel with those around me! as well as making the temple a regular part of my life and living worthy of the blessings that come from the house of the Lord! 

“Pour out your heart to God. Ask Him if these things are true. Make time to study His words. Really study! If you truly love your family and if you desire to be exalted with them throughout eternity, pay the price now—through serious study and fervent prayer—to know these eternal truths and then to abide by them."

i love the invitation president nelson gave us last conference i invite you to do this if you havent already!!  

As always i love being a missionary! i am excited to start this new adventure in this part of the Lords vineyard! i hope to hear from yall and hope you have an awesome week (and pioneer day) 

My new address:
3220 broadstone way, Apex NC 27502

