Wind Chill

Hello Beautiful Friends and Family! This week I will have been a missionary for 15 MONTHS!!

This week was super duper chilly!!! We were on foot this week because if we bike the wind would be like 1000x colder!! 

We had some AMAZING FOOD! Bibimbap bowl from scratch kitchen, with a non member who lives next to a member family! We just adore her and are going to be meeting with her hopefully more soon and reading from the book of mormon with her!

Finding this week was awesome! We met an awesome guy named Juan Carlos! He was outside while we were walking, fixing his car tire! We had a great first contact and gave him a book of mormon... Then honestly kindof forgot about it.... a few days later we decided to text him and he said he had been reading the book of mormon and had some questions ... HE IS AWESOME.. He had read all the way through the introduction pages and 1 nephi 10!!  We were so pleasantly surprised! He then came to church on Sunday and said he will be back next week! As we were sitting in sacrament meeting he leaned over to me and said that his daughter and him have been thinking about moving back to florida but he feels like he needs to stay here!!! WE ARE EXCITED!

We had Zone Conference and Exchanges this week with Sister Larsen! 

Zone conference WAS BOMB as always! I LOVE PRESIDENT HOLLAND he helps me understand the scriptures so much! BLESSED WITH THE BEST!!

I wish I had more time to tell all the neat things I am experiencing out here but just want you all to know I have a testimony of the Savior and of The Book of Mormon!

Sister Kinne

Pictures of Simmons and I freezing (don't let the sun fool you ;))
