Cheers to the Fall

I hope everyone stayed warm this week! It was a cold one. We were fortunate to get one day of 70 Degree weather ;) but that didn't last long and we have been freezing ever since. We had a busy week here in Pittsboro. Some high days and some low days but that is what makes the mission so rewarding. :) 
Monday night after p-day we had the best dinner at one of our amazing members houses! She made us my moms recipe for zupa soup and just made me the happiest missionary ever! We also had an amazing discussion with a non-member in their family about why we do what we do as missionaries, what drives us, what has given us the faith to do this! As I shared with him some of my personal faith building experiences I've had in my life I have come to the understand and appreciate the trials that we have in this life. President Holland talked with us about the effects of the fall and because of the fall trials happen. Because of the fall things don't work out the way we want. Because of the fall we experience heartache and pain both physical and emotional. BUT, because of the fall we are able to experience joy, and exercise faith. Because of the fall we are able to make choices and have eternal families. I have been thinking about that a lot lately and how important to recognize that because of the fall we need to have the Savior in our lives as we strive to become better each day to make it back to the presence of our Heavenly Father. (2 Nephi 2)
Tuesday was rough we were out all day working super hard and nada, no people found, all our appointment canceled and It was pretty disheartening, But I think that sometimes Heavenly Father has a bit of a sense of humor because later that night we decided to go back to a potential that we felt like we needed to stop by in an apartment complex. Earlier that day when we had knocked and apparently.... we had knocked on a storage unit instead of the actual door to the apartment. WOW. No words just WOW. I'm sure He got a kick out of that and the lady that was in her car watching us knock on it. RIP.
That being said Wednesday was Awesome. We had an awesome district council on the importance of asking questions which was super inspiring. We went to tea (herbal tea of course ;)  with someone we are teaching and had a great talk about the book of Mormon, then we went to this little guitar shop I have mentioned before and met the owners daughter and she is AWESOME!! So so sweet and we are going to begin to teach them both soon! So please keep them in your prayers!
There was lots of prep this week for the mission president devotional this Sunday. We decided to change the song to a beautiful arrangement of " I Know That My Redeemer Lives" which is one of my fav songs. We also got to have a guest speaker come and sing part of "How Great Thou Art" she was a Korean Opera singer, someone not of our faith and it was a really interesting version. The program was beautiful and we had a great turn out of members, less active members and non-members. "THE Sister Holland", Like Elder Holland's Sister Holland, was there also to watch which made it extra special. Everything went flawlessly and was so beautiful. The spirit was so strong, I loved to be able to watch from the stand the faces of the people who you could tell were not of our faith, light up as they felt the spirit and understood the truthfulness of the message we have in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I Love this gospel.
I Know it is true.
I Love my Savior.
I hope yall have a blessed week and I hope to hear from yall soon. Have a happy valentines day! Feel free to send me any cheesy valentine's day cards over email or in the mail! I love hearing from you all! 
25 Creekside cir apt 31
Pittsboro NC 27312
Sister Kinne.
Also thank you so much for all the sweet messages you sent my mom for my valentine day package it made my week! My mom is the sweetest! Thank you so much! 
Also Happy Birthday shout out to Aspen hope you have the best day! 19 never looked so good! ;) 
Also Also......anybody that knows me well knows I LOVE to thrift! And at the little thrift shop we went to today I found a $2 kilt... so naturally I bought it and had to take some pics! 
