Think like a Sister

Crazy week! I don't have too much time to write today but I wanted to give a little update on what sister kinne was up to this week! 
So transfer news came late last night and IM GETTING TRANSFERED!!!! Leaving Fay is gonna be sad, but I am so excited to see where I get to go and serve and love the people next!!! 

Another way exciting thing is that someone we have been teaching named laurel is on date for July 27!!! We are so so so excited for her! She told us not even two weeks ago that she loved this church but will probably never stop smoking, but within 2 weeks she has had a mighty change of heart (alma 5:14) she told us that cinnamon flavor makes her want to throw up when she smokes after using it, so we decided to make her a "cin-no-more" basket! (Lol get it it was full of cinnamon flavored things to help her stop smoking and it totally worked, she called us after we dropped it off and said she was skipping work on Sunday so she could come to church! And that meant she had to stay at work until 4 am so she could come to church! It was the most perfect sacrament meeting and relief society! After the meetings she turned to us and said "I think I'm ready, I'm really gonna do it" SHE IS ON DATE FOR JULY 27! We are so thrilled for her! 

And Jose and shyanne had their wedding this week! We are hoping to set him on date this week!!! 

We were able to help out this week by singing at someone's funeral in the fortbragg ward! If you follow me on Facebook you can see it! It is a beautiful arrangement of "amazing grace/my chains are gone" the grace of our Savior is truly amazing and the knowledge that we have of the plan of salvation and that families can be together forever! 
On Sat we went out with the relief society president to help out some less actives with their yard work and it was sister kinne first time mowing a lawn! Wahoo! I'll send a pic of the hill that we mowed but boy I was sweating BUCKETS! NC heat is NO JOKE! it was a blast tho! 

We were meeting with Danny this week and he said whenever he gets down he always thinks "i need to think like a sister" I love that!! I always try my best to do my best to think positively and do as the Savior would and I think that is how we should all try to be thinking and living! And I just love how he said that! So think like a sister yall!

I wanted to share something I learned in my studies this week, I was reading in mosiah after the people had changed, repented and been faithful, but it wasnt long before the Lord allowed them to be temporarily oppressed. I found this AMAZING quote by president Kimball that has truely helped me understand the devine plan that our father has for us and why he allows us to fall sometimes, even when we are doing everything right! 
Mosiah 23:21
21 Nevertheless the Lord seeth fit to chasten his people; yea, he trieth their patience and their faith.
“No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God … and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven” (cited in Spencer W. Kimball, Faith Precedes the Miracle [1972], 98).

We will always face hard things it is inevitable, but it is so we can better understand our devine role as a son or daughter of a all knowing and all powerful God!!

I love this gospel! I love being a missionary! I have loved serving in Fayetteville with all the ups and the downs that I have faced her I know I am a stronger and better missionary and person because of it!

Excited to update you all on where I am next week and who my next comp is! I have loved sister Hansen and I am excited to see the work she will continue to do here!

Love sister kinne :) 

Enjoy the pics :)) 
